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[ 29 ]

on, but as Adam after his fall hath received it, and as Moſes and Solomon uſed it: alſo ſhe ought not much to be doubted of, or contradicted by other opinions, or meanings; but ſeeing the truth is peaceable, brief, and always like her ſelf in all things, and eſpecially accorded by with Jeſus in omni parte and all members. And as he is the true Image of the Father, ſo is ſhe his Image; It ſhal not be ſaid, this is true according to Philoſophy, but true according to Theologie; And wherein Plato, Ariſtotle, Pythagoras, and others did hit the mark, and wherein Enoch, Abraham, Moſes, and Solomon did excel; but eſpecially wherewith that wonderful book the Bible agreeth. All that ſame concurreth together, and make a Sphere or Globe, whoſe total parts are equidiſtant from the Center, as hereof more at large and more plain ſhal be ſpoken of in Chriſtianly Conference.

But now concerning (and chiefly in this our age) the ungodly and accurſed Gold-makings which hath gotten ſo much the upper hand, whereby under colour of it, many runagates and roguiſh people
