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elſe if there be ſome lett in writing. And this we ſay for a truth, That whoſoever ſhal earneſtly, and from his heart, bear affection unto us, it ſhal be beneficial to him in goods, body, and ſoul; but he that is falſe-hearted, or onely greedy of riches, the ſame firſt of all ſhal not be able in any manner of wiſe to hurt us, but bring himſelf to utter ruine and deſtruction. Alſo our building (although one hundred thouſand people had very near ſeen and beheld the ſame) ſhal for ever remain untouched, undeſtroyed, and hidden to the wicked world, ſub umbra alarum tuarum Jehova.
A Preface of the Confeßion to the
Reader who is deſirous of
Here Gentle Reader, you ſhal finde incorporated in our Confeſſion thirty ſeven Reaſons of our purpoſe, and intention, the which according to thy pleaſure thou mayſt ſeek out and compare them together: thou mayſt alſo conſider with thy ſelf, if they be weighty, and