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Confeſſio Fraternitatis,
The Confeſſion of the laudable Fraternity of the moſt honorable Order of the Roſie Croſs, written to the Learned of Europe.
Whatſoever there is publiſhed, and made known to every one, concerning our Fraternity, by the foreſaid Fama, let no man eſteem lightly of it, nor hold it as an idle or invented thing, and much leſs receive the ſame, as though it were onely a meer conceit of ours. It is the Lord Jehovah (who ſeeing the Lords Sabbath is almoſt at hand, and haſtened again, his period or courſe being finiſhed to his firſt beginning) doth turn about the courſe of Nature; and what heretofore hath been ſought with great pains and dayly labor, is now manifeſted unto thoſe who make ſmall account, or ſcarcely once think upon it; but theſe which deſire it, it is in a manner forced and thruſt-