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[ 45 ]

way without the Will of God; but they ſhall certainly be partakers of all the puniſhment ſpoken of in our Fama; ſo their wicked Counſels ſhall light upon themſelves, and our Treaſures ſhall remain untouched and unſtirred, until the Lion doth come, who will ask them for his uſe, and imploy them for the confirmation and eſtabliſhment of his Kingdom. We ought therefore here to obſerve well, and make it known unto every one, that God hath certainly and moſt aſſuredly concluded to ſend and grant to the World before her end, which preſently thereupon ſhall enſue, ſuch a Truth, Light, Life, and Glory, as the firſt man Adam had, which he loſt in Paradiſe, after the which his ſucceſors were put, and driven with him to miſery: Wherefore there ſhall ceaſe all ſervitude, falſhood, lyes, and darkneſs, which by little and little, with the great Worlds Revolution, was crept into all Arts, Works, and Governments of Men, and have darkened the moſt part of them. For from thence are proceeded an innumerable ſort of all manner of falſe Opinions and Hereſies, that ſcarce the wiſeſt of all
