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To the Reader.

ſome Gentlemen beſides my ſelf, who affected this Fame, and thought it no Diſparagement to their own: but it was their pleaſure it ſhould receive light at my hands, and this made them defer their own Copies, which otherwiſe had paſt the Preß. I have, Reader, but little more to ſay, unleß I tell thee of my Juſtice, and now thou ſhalt ſee how diſtributive it is. The Tranſlation of the Fama belongs to an unknown hand, but the Abilities of the Tranſlator I queſtion not. He hath indeed miſtaken Damaſcus for Damcar in Arabia, and this I would not alter, for I am no Pedant to correct another mans Labours. The Copy was communicated to me by a Gentleman more learned then my ſelf, and I ſhould name him here, but that he expects not either thy thanks or mine. As for the Preface, it is my own, and I wiſh thee the full Benefit of it, which certainly thou canſt not miſs, if thou com’ſt to it with clear eyes, and a purged ſpirit. Conſider that Prejudice obſtructs thy Judgment; for if thy Affections are engag’d, though to an Ignis fatuus, thou doſt think it a Guide, becauſe
