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it is produced. Indeed this agrees best with the ſence of the Philoſophers, for one of thoſe Præciſians tels us, Qui ſcit Salem, & ejus solutionem, ſcit secretum occultum antiquorum Philoſophorum. Alas then! what ſhall we do? whence comes our next Intelligence? I am afraid here is a ſad Truth for ſome body. Shall we run now to Lucas Rodargirus, or have we any duſty Manuſcripts, that can inſtrct us? Well Reader, thou ſeeſt how free I am grown, and now I could diſcover ſomething elſe, but here is enough at once. I could indeed tell thee of the firſt and ſecond ſublimation, of a double Nativity, Viſible and Inviſible, without which the matter is not alterable, as to our purpoſe. I could tell thee alſo of Sulphurs ſimple, and compounded, of three Argents Vive, and as many Salts and all this would be new news (as the Book-men phraſe it) even to the beſt Learned in England. But I have done, and I hope this Diſcourſe hath not demoliſhed any man’s Caſtles, for why ſhould they deſpair, when I contribute to their Building?