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The Epiſtle

phical ſhew, and no true Hiſtory, which is publiſhed and ſpoken of the Fraternity of the Roſie Croſs; it ſhall here ſufficiently appear by our Confeſsion, that there is more in receſſu then maybe imagined; and it ſhall be eaſily underſtood, and obſerved by every one (if he be not altogether voyd of underſtanding) what now adays, and at theſe times, is meant thereby.

Thoſe who are true Diſciples of Wiſdom, and true Followers of the Spherical Art, will conſider better of theſe things, and have them in greater eſtimation, as alſo judg far otherwiſe of them, as hath been done by ſome principal Perſons, but eſpecially of Adam Haſelmeyer, Notarius Publicus to the Arch Duke
