The Preface.
know, that whereas you plot to ſet your ſelves up, I do here contrive to bring my ſelf down. I am in the Humor to affirm the Eſſence, and Exiſtence of that admired Chimæra, the Fraternitie of R. C. And now Gentlemen I thank you, I have Aire and Room enough: methinks you ſneak and ſteal from me, as if the Plague and this Red Croſs were inſeparable. Take my Lord have mercy along with you, for I pitty your ſickly Braines, and certainly as to your preſent State the Inſcription is not unſeaſonable. But in lieu of this, ſome of you may adviſe me to an Aſſertion of the Capreols of del Phæbo, or a Review of the Library of that diſcreet Gentleman of the Mancha, for in your Opinion thoſe Knights and theſe Brothers are equally Inviſible. This is bard meaſure, but ſhal not inſiſt to diſprove you: if there be any amongſt the Living of the ſame Bookiſh faith with my ſelf, They are the Perſons I would ſpeak to, and yet in this I ſhal act modeſtly, I invite them not, unleſs they be at Leaſure.
When I conſider the unjuſt Cenſure and