The Preface.
he adds a very diſſolute Opinion of the ſame Grecians, namely, that Philoſophy, which of all Donatives is ζείοτατον, the Divineſt, ſhould be eſteemed amongſt them as a thing indifferent, and proportionate to all Capacities: And this, I am ſure (ſaith Phraotes to Apollonius) is a king of Piracy tolerated amongſt you: Νὶ ὅτι μὺ παοᾀ ὑμῖν ταωτὸν τᾡ λησεύφν ἐσὶν, οἶδα, which being applyed here to Philoſophy, I ſhould make bold to render it Sacriledg. But the Prince proceeds, and ſchools his Novice, for ſuch was Apollonius, who was never acquainted with any one Myſtery of Nature. I underſtand (ſaith he) that amongſt you Grecians there are many Intruders, that injuſtly apply themſelves to Philoſophy, as being no way conformable to it: Theſe uſurp a Profeſſion which is not their own; as if they ſhould firſt rob men of their Clothes, and then wear them, though never ſo diſproportionate; and thus do you proudly ſtradle in borrowed Ornaments. And certainly, as Pirates, who know themſelves liable to innumerable tortures, do lead a ſottish