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The Preface.

deſtroyed them with Thunder and Lightening. Here was a ſtory might have ſtartled Apollonius, who knew not the power of Gun-powder, but in theſe our days there is nothing more familiar and credible. But notwithſtanding the Improvements of this fatal Invention are not known even to the preſent Generations, for the Pyrography of Cornelius Agrippa, and the Powder of Friar Bacon were never yer brought to the Field. And now let us hear the Friar himſelf, who diſcourſing of ſeveral wonderful Experiments, tellus us amongst the reſt of a ſecret Compoſition, which being form’d into Pills, or little Balls, and then caſt up into the Air, would break out into Thunders and Lightenings, more violent and horrible then thoſe of Nature. Præter vero hæc (ſaith he) ſunt alia ſtupenda Naturæ: nam Soni velut Tonitrûs & Coruſcationes poſſunt fieri in Aere: imo majori horrore quam illa quæ fiunt, per Naturam. Nam modica materia adaptata, ſcilicet ad quantitatem unius pollicis, ſonum facit Horribilem, & Coruſcationem oſtendit
