The Preface.
ſecret Water, and that there was hid under it, or within it, γῆ σανδαρακίνη, a Blood-red Earth. In a word, they told him that none might drink, or taſte of that Liquor, neither was it drawn at all for any ordinary uſes. After this moſt myſterious Water, they ſhew him alſo a certain myſterious Fire, and here for my part I do not intend to comment. From this Fire he is brought to certain Tubs, or ſome ſuch Veſſels, whereof the one was called the Veſſel of Rain, and the other the Veſſel of Winds: all which are moſt deep and excellent Allegories. But theſe Rarities imply no more then the Rudiments of Magic. Let us now come to the Medecine it ſelf, and the admirable Effects thereof. The Brachmans (ſaith Apollonius) anointed their Heads αγεκτς ωδφ φας μάκω, with a gummy Medicine, and this made their Bodies to ſteam at the pores, and ſweat in that abundance, as if (ſaith he) they had purged themſelves with Fire. This is enough to prove them Philoſophers. And now let us ſee what kind of Habitation they had, and how much a parallel it is to that place or dwelling of R. C. which his Followers call Locus S. Spiritus.