The Preface
rennis aquæ adhuc ſtillantem, in quo Diana ſe lavat, cui Venus ut Pediſſequa, & Naturnus ut Anteambulo, conjunguntur. Intelligenti nimium, Inexperto minimum hoc erit dictum. But to clear the Proſpect a little more, let us hear Apollonius in a certain ſpeech of his to the Ægyptians, deſcribing this Elyſium of the Brachmans: Εἶδόν φησιν Ινδὲς Βοαχμᾶνας ὀιoιῶτας ὀπὶ τῆς γῆς, κὶ ἐκ ὲπ’ ἀυτῆς. I have ſeen (ſaith he) the Brachmans of India dwelling on the Earth, and not on the Earth: they were guarded without Walls, and poſſeßing nothing, they enjoyed all things. This is plain enough, and on this Hill have alſo a deſire to live, if it were for no other reaſon, but what the Sophiſt ſometimes oplyed to the Mountains: Hos primum rol ſalutat, ultimoſque deſerit. Quis lolam non amet, dies longiores habentem? But of this place I will not ſpeak any more, leſt the Readers ſhould be ſo mad, as to entertain a ſuſpicion, that I am of the Order. I ſhal now therefore proceed to the Theory of the Brachmans, and this only ſo far as their Hiſtory will give me leave. I find Jarchas