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The Preface.

in the Generation of thoſe things that have life. We are now come to Apollonius his laſt Philoſophical Quere, and ſorry I am that he had not the wit to propound either more or better Queſtions, but we muſt take them as they are. He asks Jarchas, whether the Earth or the Sea did exceed in quantity? To this the Indian replies, that if he only conſider’d the Mediterranean, or ſome other particular Channel, the Earth without queſtion did exceed: but if you ſpeak (ſaid he) προς πᾶσαν ττὼ υγραὺ ὲσίαν, concerning Humidity, or Moiſture in general, then verily the Earth is much leſſer then the Water, for it is the Water that bears up the Earth. This indeed is ſound Reaſon, and conformable both to Scripture and Nature: for the very Spirit that animates and ſupports the Univerſe, hath his Habitation in the Water.

And now I ſuppoſe it is apparent to the underſtanding Readers (for other I would not have) that the Brachmans were not a fabulous, ſuperſtitious Society, but men of a ſevere Doctrine, whoſe Principles were anſwerable to the very Rigour of Nature, and did not wanton beyond her Law.