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The Preface.

cal Stone being let down after them, would bring them again together; for they would all move towards the Pantarva, and cluſter under it, like a ſwarm of Bees. This is all he tells him; but in concluſion he produceth his Pantarva, in plain terms he ſhewed him the Philoſophers Stone, and the miraculous Effects thereof. The ſecond Secret which Apollonius ſtumbled on, for he knew it not as a Secret, was the Gold of the Gryphons, and this alſo Jarchas doth acknowledg, but I ſhall forbear to ſpeak of it, for I hold it not altogether convenient.

It is time now to diſmiſs Apollonius, and his Brachmans, and this I will do; but I ſhall firſt prevent an Objection, though a ſorry one, for Ignorance makes uſe of all Tools. It will be ſaid perhaps, I have been too bold with Apollonius, who, in the opinion of many men, and ſuch as would be thought learned, was a very great Philoſopher. To this I anſwer, that I queſtion not any mans learning: let them think of themſelves as they pleaſe; and if they can, let them be anſwerable to their thought: But as for Apollonius, I ſay, the noiſe of his Miracles, like thoſe of Xavier, may fill
