The Preface.
Deos excitat, ut ſe demonſtrent, &c. Theſe are the words of Jamblichus, in that profound Diſcourſe of his, where he gives Porphyrius an Accompt of the Ægyptian, Caldean, and Aſſyrian Myſteries. I know the Philoſophical Earth diſcovers not thoſe Forms I have ſpoken of in the common, ordinary Proceſs, which if any man knows, I ſhall not therefore call him a Philoſopher. There are ſeveral ways to uſe this Myſtery, both firſt and laſt and ſome of them may be communicated, but ſome not. To conclude, I ſay, that this clarified Earth is the Stage of all Forms, for here they are manifeſted like Images in a Glaſs: and when the Time of their Manifeſtation is finiſhed, they retreat into that Center, out of which at firſt they came. Hence came all Vegetables, all Minerals, and all the Animals in the World; even Man himſelf with all his Tumult and Principality. This Soft Clay is the Mother of them all: and what the Divine Virgal ſometimes ſaid of Italy, may be very properly applyed to this our Saturnine and Soveraign Earth.