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[ 19 ]

commandant of God, whom we moſt faithfully obey, that if we ſhall be anſwered diſcreetly and Chriſtian-like, we will not be afraid to ſet forth publickly in Print, our names, and ſirnames, our meetings, or any thing elſe that may be required at our hands.

Now the true and fundamental relation of the finding out of the high illuminated man of God, Fra. C. R. C. is this; After that A. in Gallia Narbonenſi was deceaſed, then ſucceeded in his place, our loving Brother N. N. this man after he had repaired unto us to take the ſolemn oath of fidelity and ſecrecy, he informed us bona fide, That A. had comforted him in telling him, that this Fraternity ſhould ere long not remain ſo hidden, but ſhould be to all the whole German Nation helpful, needful, and commendable; of the which he was not in any wiſe in his eſtate aſhamed of. The year following after he had performed his School right, and was minded now to travel, being for that purpoſe ſufficiently provided with Fortunatus purſe, he thought (he being a good Architect) to alter ſomething of his building,
