Page:Famous Single Poems (1924).djvu/212

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Famous Single Poems

Of scorn and amazement. She made no reply,
But gave a slight turn to the end of her nose
(That pure Grecian feature), as much as to say,
“How absurd that any sane man should suppose
That a lady would go to a ball in the clothes,
No matter how fine, that she wears every day!”

So I ventured again: “Wear your crimson brocade,”
(Second turn-up of nose)—“That’s too dark by a shade.”
“Your blue silk”—“That’s too heavy.” “Your pink”—“That’s too light.”
“Wear tulle over satin”—“I can’t endure white.”
“Your rose-colored, then, the best of the batch”—
“I haven’t a thread of point lace to match.”
“Your brown moire antique”—“Yes, and look like a Quaker.”
“The pearl-colored”—“I would, but that plaguey dressmaker
Has had it a week.” “Then that exquisite lilac
In which you would melt the heart of a Shylock.”