Page:Famous history of the two unfortunate lovers.pdf/10

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his face was all covered with the blood of his enemies; Armelious entreated him to go with him to the castle, to which he seemingly consented, but it growing dark he took an opportunity to withdraw himself till he might better consider how to manage his love affairs; and so went that night to a neighbouring village where he refreshed himself and presenting the master of the house with some jewels, desired him not to let any one know he was there, if enquiry was made, which he promised and performed.


How Leander won a rich diamond in a tournament, which he presents to Hero, with a letter in it manifesting his love; and overthrew a great many men that lay in ambush to take his life.

HERO being pretty well come to herself, made a strict enquiry after her deliverer, and when she was told he had secretly withdrawn himself, her eyes could not refrain from tears, that she had not a convenient opportunity to thank him for her deliverance; yet more, she could not but wonder who his gallant stranger should be, and sent to divers places to enquire after him: sometimes she thought it could be none but the fam'd Leander, but those thoughts were again dashed with the considerations of his being passed over in Europe, and taking up there with the welcome of triumphs. After many great rejoicings for this happy deliverance, a solemn tilt and tournament was ordered, wherein the conqueror was to have a golden coronet set with diamonds, and other precious jewels, which glorious spot of marshal prowess was proclaimed by the heralds, which soon reached Leander’s ear, whereupon, not to be behind hand,