Page:Fancy dresses described, or, What to wear at fancy balls (1887).djvu/158

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trimmed with sable; hussar jacket; blue velvet cap, with a band of sable and white ostrich feather; high boots trimmed with fur; diamond earrings and brooch. Or, skirt of white silk and gold lace; white jacket with gold facings, like an officer's full-dress uniform; white military hat and aigrette; high boots with gold lace; military gloves. For Polish Hussar the Polish hat is worn. (See Polish.)

ICE, ICICLE. A short white satin dress, draped with crystal fringe, silver tissue or swansdown, and tulle; embroidered silver veil, caught up with narcissus or frosted mother of pearl flowers; hair powdered; silver wreath of narcissus; shoes and stockings embroidered with crystal beads. (See Winter.)

ICE MAIDEN. White gauze dress; pointed tulle cap and veil fastened with wreath of icicles or ice-flowers spangled with powdered glass; long gloves; bracelets and chains of icicles; girdle of falling icicles made of glass.

ICE QUEEN. Soft white satin skirt, trimmed with frosted gauze, glass fringe and tiny silver bells; bodice of crystallised gauze dotted all over with glass beads; frosted holly, and robin redbreast nestling on shoulder; a wreath of holly and glass beads.

ICELAND, COSTUME OF. Black cap with long silk tassel on one side, the hair flowing loosely; black jacket and skirt with apron of variegated stuff. This is the ordinary dress. Holiday attire is as follows:—White helmet-shaped cap, a golden diadem round the temples, wide over the fore-head, narrow at ears, tied behind with silk bow; thin white veil; black cloth bodice embroidered in gold round the neck, to the waist; golden belt with pendants to knee. The black skirt is embroidered round the hem.

ICELANDIC BRIDE. High black cloth dress, with long sleeves; the stomacher embroidered in fine gold-work; high white horn-shaped cap, with gold embroidered band; lace veil; large silver belt.

IDA, PRINCESS. (See V.) Cassock of yellow brocaded silk, over flowing robe of white plush; yellow stockings with white clocks; academical cap.

IDYLLS OF THE KING. (See Elaine, Enid, &c.)