Page:Fantastics and other Fancies.djvu/155

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anything. You will be recompensed. We are rich."—Without, the knocking increased, as if the thunder sought to enter: I, within, looked upon her face, and the face was passionless and motionless as the face of a woman of bronze.

* *

She had not spoken, but I felt her serpent litheness wound about me, her heart beating against my breast, her arms tightening about my neck, the perfume of her hair and of her youth and of her breath intoxicating me as an exhalation of enchantment. I could not speak; I could not resist; spellbound by a mingling of fascination and pleasure, witchcraft and passion, weakness and fear—and the storm awfully knocked without, as if summoning the stranger; and his moaning ceased.

* *

Whence she came, the mother, I know not. She seemed to have risen from beneath:—

"The doctor is conscientious!—he cares for his patient well. The stranger will need his