Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/21

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whenever opportunity offers: an automobile is forever in need of new and expensive trimmings and fittings — but then, you can always exchange an automobile for something useful. I can say all the rest of a wife — but I can’t say that!

A man once delivered me a homily on wedded bliss, taking as his text a bird’s nest which he had discovered in some shrubbery. He would have drawn tears from a stone with his picture of the fond couple building their little home, rearing the tender brood, and giving them lessons in singing and aerial navigation; and, finally, parting the shrubbery, he bade me look within.

There’s a lesson for you!” he exclaimed triumphantly.

I told him he was quite right. Indeed, I never remember having been brought in contact with a more eloquent parable. The parent birds were from home, and the young ones were eagerly expecting their return. There