Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/80

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selection. Protests were without avail. She proposed to have me arrange a schedule of my fare, whereby the burden of responsibility should be shifted from her shoulders to mine. This, to assuage her desperation, I agreed to do, and having my pencils fortuitously pointed, forthwith set to work to map out meals for a fortnight ahead. Thus to provide for forty-two meals would seem to be simplicity itself, said my mind to me.

First in order, I set down the meats: roast beef, beefsteak … chops … lamb … mutton —

As I live, I could think of no more!

I did better with the vegetables, which mounted up to twelve; but that was not even one a day for my fortnight, and, what was worse, at least four out of the dozen were excessively distasteful to me.

I was most unfortunate of all in regard to the desserts. I thought of pie — which, on one occasion in early life, saluted my confiding