Page:Far from the Maddening Girls.djvu/82

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say that, after I had definitely abandoned my attempt to make a schedule, I thought of a considerable number of other meats, such as Irish stew, and hash, and minced beef. But there are fewer vegetables in the world than I had supposed.

There was but one incident in connection with the earlier stages of my bachelor house- keeping which I found more humiliating to my self-esteem than this. I have in mind my visit, at the instance of Galvin, to the notion counter of Messrs. Wimple, Gabardine & Vale, who keep the largest department store in town. Galvin handed me a list of her wants in this particular, as I was leaving “Sans Souci” that morning, and this I perused with interest on my way up in the train. It ran as follows:

  • White spool cotton (80)
  • Black spool cotton (80)
  • Needles (8)
  • Tape (1 inch)
  • Shoe buttons (3)