of individuals! Suffice it to say that I returned to “Sans Souci” with one hundred and sixty spools of cotton, eight needles of the largest size, one inch of tape, and three shoe buttons, and that I could not bring myself to tolerate the presence of Galvin for a full week thereafter.
The first full month of my new existence had elapsed when I suddenly found myself confronted with the necessity of engaging Darius. He arrived as I was finishing break- fast one morning, bearing a note from Miss Berrith, the most expansive smile I have ever seen, and the greatest number of freckles which it was possible to accommodate within the limited compass of his countenance. This was Miss Berrith’s note, which I read at the front door, while he waited:
“Dear Mr. Sands:
“I do not know if you have any need of a boy about the place, but, if you have, I hope you will give one of my Sunday-school scholars,