Page:Farmers of forty centuries.djvu/353

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Chinese Windmill.

annually manufactured there, largely from brine raised by animal power from wells seven hundred to more than two thousand feet deep.

Fig. 198.—Sail windmill used in pumping brine at the Taku Government salt works, Chihli, China.

Hosie describes the operations at a well more than two thousand feet deep, at Tzeliutsing. In the basement of a power-house which sheltered forty water buffaloes, a huge bamboo drum twelve feet high, sixty feet in circumference, was so set as to revolve on a vertical axis propelled by four cattle drawing from its circumference. A hemp rope was wound about this drum, six feet from the ground, passing out and under a pulley at the well, then up and around a wheel mounted sixty feet above and descended to the bucket made from bamboo stems four inches in diameter and nearly sixty feet long, which dropped with