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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/139

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23 Hen. II.
Guy or Guianus or Wido was consecrated at Ambresbury 22nd May 1177[1]. He died about the year 1190[2].
The see was vacant upwards of four years.
6 Ric. I.
Albanus, prior of the Hospitalers of Jerusalem, was consecrated 16th April 1195[3]. He died 19th May 1196[4], and was buried in the New Temple, London.
8 Ric. I.
Robert of Shrewsbury was consecrated in 1197; died in 1213[5], and was buried at Shrewsbury.
The see was vacant nearly two years.
17 Joh.
Martin, abbot of Blanchelande, was chosen, and confirmed by the King 13th April 1215; he was consecrated 16th June following[6], and nothing more is known of him.

But there is evidently some confusion of persons here, as on the patent roll of the 16th of John, O., abbot of Blanchelande[7], is said to have been elected in April 1215.

The initial however may have been miswritten for C, which might stand for Caducanus: at all events it seems that
17 Joh.
Caducanus or Cadwgan, "abbas Landefidensis," was consecrated in 1215, and died at Dore abbey 11th April 1241[8], having been released from his bishopric by pope Gregory IX. in the year 1236. The chapter of Bangor received a license to elect a bishop 7th June 1236[9], in pursuance of which

    1184; but this statement cannot be correct.

  1. Hoveden fol. 320; 15th May, Ymag. Hist. Dicet.; 1st July, Bromt. Coll. 11 19 and Annal. Theok.; ii Cal. Jul. (21st June) Malmesb.
  2. Giraldus Cambrensis de Gestis suis, lib. 2. c. 22. and Anglia Sacra, pars 2. p. 374.
  3. Matt. Westm. and MS. Cott. Calig. A. X.
  4. MS. Cott. Nero, E. vi. fol. ult.
  5. Matt. Westm. Vide Anglia Sacra, pars 1. p. 481.
  6. Martinus abbas Blanch-Land consecratur in episcopum Bangorensem xvi die Junii. Annal. Wigorn.—1215 consecratus est in episcopum Bangor abbas de Alba landa a Stephano Cantuar. archiepiscopo in ecclesia de Stanes xi Cal. Julii.
  7. O. abbatem de Alba Landa. Pat. 16 Joh. mm. 5, and 4.
  8. Annal. Theok. Seein Madox Formular. p. 302. a curious record of his professing himself a monk of Dore abbey in Herefordshire. Martin and Caducan are said to have been the same person.
  9. Pat. 20 Hen. III. m. 6.
vol. 1.