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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/148

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��confirmed on the iith of the same month, and con- secrated at Lambeth the next day'^^. The tempo- rahties were restored to him 15th Dec.'^'*, and he was enthroned iQth Jan. 1598-9. He died 6th July 1616, and was buried in his own cathedral. His will is in the Prerogative office, London ^-^ The spirituali- ties after his death were seized into the hands of the archbishop 12th July 1616. 1616 Lewis Bayly, S.T.D., was elected 28th Aug. 1616;

14 Jac. I. confirmed 7th Dec, and consecrated the next day^^.

He died 26th Oct. i6;^i, and was buried in Bangor

cathedral27. The spiritualities were taken into the

archbishop's hands 26th Oct. 163128.

1632 David Dolben, S.T.D., was elected i8th Nov. 1631^9,

7 Car. I. confirmed on the last day of February 163 1-2, and consecrated 4th March following ^'^. He died 27 th Nov. 1633 at Bangor house, Shoe Lane, Holborn, and was buried in Hackney church, setat. 52. The spiritualities were seized into the hands of the arch- bishop 28th Nov. 1633-^^ 1634 Edmund Griffith, S.T.B., dean 0/ Banc/or, was, elected

9 Car. I. 3 1 st Dec. 1633, confirmed 12th Feb. following, con- secrated on the 1 6th of the same month 3-, and en- throned I4.th April following. He died on Friday 26th May 1637, and was buried in his own cathedral. A conge d'elire vice bishop Griffith issued 8th June 163733; in pursuance of which 1637 William Roberts, S.T.D., suhdean of Wells, was

13 Car. I. elected 20th June 1637; received the royal assent

��23Reg.Whitg. III. fol. 32.

24 Pat.4iEliz.p.23. m.3. Reg. Abbot.

25 Cope. 90.

2P Camd. Annal. Jac. I. and Reg. Abbot, fol. 84.

27 He was committed to the Fleet prison 15th July 1621, but soon after liberated. (Camd. An- nal. Jac. I.) The cause of his

��imprisonment does not appear.

28 Reg. Abbot.

29 Reg. Abbot. III.

30 Ibid. fol. 33, and Bishops' Certificates. Reg. Laud.

31 Reg. Laud.

32 Ibid. fol. 26. and Bishops' Certificates. Reg. Bancroft.

33 Pat. 13 Car. I. p. 15. No. 43.

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