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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/153

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DEANS. . Ill

HowEL AP Grono was made dean about 1359, and after

bishop of this see. y.JoHN was dean of Bangor in 137 1. David Daron is named in 1399^^ and 1401, and in

1406 he was outlawed for treason in the rebellion of

Owen Glendour. "f > William Pollard exchanged this dignity for the vicar- age of Newchurch with % Henry Honore, instituted 5th May 1410.

E.OGER WooDHELE was instituted 9th June 1413. He

resigned, and John Vautort was instituted 21st Sept. 1416. NiGELLUs BoNDEBY enjoyed it in 1436^^. John Martin was dean in 1445- Hugh Alcock, in 1450. Hugh Morgan, in 1468. Nicholas Rewys, in 1474.

Richard Kyffin, in 1480 and 1492. Ob. i ith Aug. 1492. Richard Collend alias Colland or Cowland, S.T.B.,

was instituted i8th Sept. 1503. John Glynn held this dignity 20th June 1509 6'. He

made his will 14th Aug. 1534. Robert Evans, LL.B., was instituted J2th Dec. 1534. Rees Powell died possessed of it in 1553. Robert Evans was instituted upon the death of Rees

Powell, 27th Oct. 1553. He held it in 1565 ^s. Rowland Thomas, LL.D., was instituted 26th Sept.

1570. His will is dated 3rd Jan. 1586-7. Hugh Bellot, bishop of Bangor, and dean commen- datory, 1587. Henry Rowlands, S.T.B., was instituted 29th Aug.

1593, and in 1598 made bishop of this see. Richard Parry, S.T.P., was instituted i ith April

1599, and in 1604 made bishop of St. Asaph. John Williams, S.T.P., was instituted 8th May 1605,

and died 4th Sept. 1613.

65 Pat. 21 Ric. II. p. I. m. I. 67 Reg. Warham.

66 Reg. Chichi. 68 Reg. Parker.

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