Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/172

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��ing46. He was elected archbishop of Canterbury 27th Nov. 1191^"; but he died on Christmas day fol- lowing ^^^ before his translation could be perfected. He was buried near the high altar in the church of Bath^^. 1 1 92 Savauicus^o, surnamed Barlowinwac, archdeacon of 4 Ric. I. Noriham])ton and treasurer of Salisbury^ was elected, by the monks of Bath, without the knowledge of the canons of Wells, and went to Home to obtain the Pope's assent : he was there ordained priest 1 9th Sept. II93^^ and consecrated on the following day. He died 8th Aug. 1205-, and was buried at Bath^^. 1206 JocELiNE OF Wells was elected 3rd Feb. 1205-6^^, and the temporalities were restored to him 3rd May following 5. He was consecrated at Reading on Tri- nity Sunday, 28th May 1206^^. ^iw^ died 19th Nov. 1242, and was buried at Well8^7,58_ 'Y\\q licenses to the chapters of Bath and Wells to elect a successor

��8 Joh.

��*6 Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col.


17 Matt.Westm. See also Angl. Sacra, pai's i. pp. 1 13, 561, note ".

^s Obiit die 29 post nomina- tionem ad ecclesiam Cantuar. Se- pultus 29 Dec. prope majus al- tare in ecclesia Bathon. Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 667.

^9 Ibid.

^0 Savaricus filius Geldewyni. Annal. Margan.

^1 Ymag. Hist, de Diceto, col. 668. Godwin and Le Neve say he was consecrated on Michael- mas day.

52 Pat. 7. Joh. m. 7. Annal. Priorat. de Suthwerk.

53 Ann. Priorat. de Suthwerk. He frequently styled himself Bi- shop of Glastonbury. See "Wil- lis's Abb. vol. i. p. 104.

54 Litera a priore et conventu Bath ad impetrandam licentiam eligendi episcopum post mortem Savarici. Dies Veneris prox. post

��Purificationem Beatse Marise [3 Feb.] assignatus est ad electio- nem episcopi apud Bathon.

55 Pat. 7 Joh. m.7.

56 Annal. Waverl., Annal. Wi- gorn., and Reg. Cantuar. He is called Bishop of Bath and Glas- tonbury on the Close Roll, 16 Joh. mm. 6,9. See Pat. 16 Joh. m. 6, relative to the union of the churches of Bath and Glaston- bury. The union was dissolved 17th May 1218.

57 Reg. Wellen. et Annal. Bur- ton.

58 The canons of Wells, 22nd Nov. 1242, inform the monks of Bath of the death of bishop Jo- celine ; and the monks write in reply, 30th Jan. following, " Li- cet neque de jure nee de con- suetudine ad vos una nobiscum episcopi electio pertinere nosca- tur; ex abundanti tamen vos vo- camus," &c. Reg. Wellen.

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