��and the royal assent was given to his election on the 29th of the same month ^'^. His confirmation by the archbishop of Canterbury took place 15th Feb. fol- lowing ^5, on which day king Edward restored to him the temporalities^*', and he was consecrated on Palm Sunday (7th April). He received the great seal as chancellor 91 21st Sept. 12749"^, and he died at Ber- wick on Saturday 2.5th Oct. 12929-^, and was buried in the middle of the nave of his cathedral. The license to elect a successor to bishop Burnel is dated i6th Dec. 1292^^; pursuant to which,
��mus subdiaconus, Robertus de Graimdon et Rogerus de Cruk, canoniciWellenses; quibus com- rnissa fuit potestas a priore et conventu Bathon. a decano et capitulo Wellen. providendi de pastore, habito inter nos super his diligenti tractatu, potestate eadem in dominum Robertum Burnell canonicum Wellen. vi- rum providum et discretum, scientem et valentem ecclesia- rum jura tueri patrem et episco- pum nostrum praeficiendum con- sentimus. Unde Ego prsedictus Thomas archidiaconus WeUen. pro me et con-compromissariis meis antedictis, de mandato et voluntate ipsorum con-compro- missariorum meorum vice mea et omnium nostrum, eundem dominum Robertum eligo nobis et ecclesiis nostris episcopum et pastorem. Et ut fides huic elec- tioni adhibeatur, prsesentibus si- gilla capitulorum nostrorum sunt appensa. Leger Book of the Priory of Bath.
^7 Letter in Tower of Lond. S. 17 and 18.
sa Pat. 3 Edw. I. m. 33.
^9 Lett, in Tower of Lond. S. I73-
��90Pat. 3Edw. Lm. 31.
9' He was elected archbishop of Canterbury and the royal as- sent given to his election loth July 1278. (Pat. 6 Edw. Lm. 8.) King Edward also wrote to the Pope on the same day, stating that the monks of Canterbury had unanimously elected his chancellor Robert Burnel for their archbishop, and he highly extols his merits, fidelity, wis- dom, learning, and earnestly desired the Pope's confirmation. But neither the King's letter, nor the bishop's merits, nor the unanimous choice of the chap- ter, were of any avail, for the Pope refused his confirmation to that election.
92 Pat. 2 Edw. L m. 8. and Claus. 2 Edw. 1. m. i.
93 Claus. 20 Edw. L m. 2. and Pat. 20 Edw. L mm. 2, 3. Reg. Wellen. An inquisition was taken at his death, by which it was found that Philip Burnel, the bishop's brother, was his next heir, and aged 32 years. Inq. p. m. 21 Edw. L No. 50.
3-1 Pat. 21 Edw. L m. 23.
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