DEANS. 151
On 9th Feb. 1332, the chapter of Wells request the
bishop's license to elect a clean in the room of John
de Godelegh"*^. Richard de Buky, alias de Saxcto Edmundo, was
admitted 30th Feb. (xCal. Marcii) 1332^^; and in the
next year was made bishop of Durham ^6. WiBERT DE LuTTLETON or LiTTLETON was elected
23rd Feb. 1333-4, and admitted x Cal. Mail, (22nd
April) 1334S7. He died before ii Oal. Sept. (31st
Aug.), 133588. Walter de London succeeded in 1335: he was the
King's confessor and almoner^'J. He died in 1350 9^^. John de Carleton, succeeded before Feb. 1350 i.
He died in Aug. i36ii. William de Camel, elected Sept. 136 1, but re- fused it 9^. Stephen Pympel was elected 3rd Nov. 1361. He died
2nd Feb. 1378-9, and was buried in the cathedral 9^. John Fordham was elected 22nd Feb. 1378-9; and in
1381 was made bishop of Durham 9^. Thomas Sudbury held it in 1381 and 1389, Nicholas Slake held it in 13969^. Guido de Mona, elected dean of Wells loth Aug.
1396; and bishop of St. David's in 1397. Henry Beaufort, 1397 9^. Thomas Tuttebury, archdeacon of Wells and Bucks,
was collated 24th Feb. 140019", and was admitted
26th Nov. 140198. Thomas Stanley, 1401. He died March 11, 1409-1099.
84 Reg. Rad. de Salop. 95 Rgg. Wellen.
85 Reg. Wellen. 96 Pat. 20 Ric. II. p. i. m. 2.
86 Pat. 7 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 6. Reg. Braybrook Episc. Lond.
87 Reg. Rad. de Salop. Reg. Medeford Episc. Sarum.
88 Ibid. He seems to have been also
89 Pat. II Edw. III. p. I. m. dean of Sarum.
90 Reg. Wellen. 97 Reg. Arundel.
91 Ibid. Rymer, vol. v. p. 680. 98 Reg. Bowet. 19 June. Pat.
92 Reg. Wellen. 3 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 14.
93 Ibid. 94 Ibid. 99 Reg. Wellen.
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