Thomas Arundel, I373-^^. Bishop of Ely in 1374^^^
Cardinal Agrifolio seems to have held this dignity in 1374.
Simon de Langham, died at Avignon 22nd July 1376, He was a cardinal, and had been archbishop of Can- terbury.
Perinus Neapolitanus Cardinalis held this dignity in 1378 and in 1383 '^i.
Thomas Marton, lath April 1390'*'^.
Ralph Erghum, 1391^3. Precentor in 1402.
John Graunger, 7th March 1393 '^^.
Thomas Poltoun, confirmed 3rd May 1395'.
Thomas Sparkeford, 7th June I395'*-
William Elleford, 24th May 1400^^.
Thomas Polton held the office in 1403.
Nicholas Calton, ist Sept. 1416. He died in 1440'*.
Adam Moleyns, LL.D., 1440^". Bishop of Chichester in 1445.
Andrew Hales was admitted 19th Jan. 1445^ Arch- deacon of Wells in 1450.
Robert Stillington, LL.D., was collated 20th April 1450^. Archdeacon of Wells in 1465.
Richard Langport, 14th May 1487^^.
Oliver King was installed 12th July 1490^ ^ He be- came bishop of Exeter in 1492.
William Worseley, LL.D., was admitted 18th Feb. 1492". Made dean of St. Paul's, London, in 1496.
Robert Sherburn, A.M., was installed 1 6th Dec. 1496^^.
John Ednam, S.T.P., was installed 27th May 1505^7.
��39 Reg. Wittlesey. ^7 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 10.
40 Rymer, vol. vii. p. 36. ^8 Pat, i Hen. IV. p. 7. m. 21.
41 Ibid. vol. vii. p. 380. Pat. ^9 Rgg. Bubbewyth. 6 Ric. II. p. I. m. II. (nth Feb.) ^o Reg. Stafford.
42 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 19. '*i Ibid. 52 ibid.
43 Reg. Wellen. 53 Reg. Stillington.
44 Pat. 16 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 2. ^4 Reg. Wellen.
45 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 10. 55 ibid.
4 Reg. Bowet. and Reg. Arun- 56 Reg. King,
del. fol. 422. 57 Reg. Wellen.
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