RiCHAHD DE Deokenesford was admitted viii Cal.
Dec. (24th Nov.) 1313. Precentor in 1327^0. Thomas de Retforde was admitted v Id. Sept. (9th)
13 16 91; held it in 1335. John de Middleton was collated xiii Cal. Dec. (19th
Nov.) 1337^'^. He presently exchanged it for some
other preferment with Simon of Bristol, who was admitted xviii Cal. Jan.
(15th Dec.) i3373. John de Carleton, appointed i6th June 13479^. Edmund Bouler, had letters of protection i ith March
1347-8 9^ John Horsyngton, 135196.
Thomas Spert, LL.D., was installed 7th Aug. 138297. Thomas Marton, 25th Aug. 138698. Nicholas Danyell, 140699. Richard Bruton, 2ist Oct. 1406 1; ratified 9th Dec.^;
held it in 141 6. Thomas Bubbewyth, LL.B., was admitted 20th Nov.
141 73. resigned it in 1419 for the archdeaconry of
Wells. Thomas Schelford was admitted 28th Sept. 141 9"*. John Hody , precentor 0/ Wells, was admitted 4th Sept.
1426. He was made archdeacon of Dorset in 1435. John Storthwayt, precentor of Wells, was admitted
20th March 1439^. Thomas Chandeler, S.T.B., chancellor of New college,
Oooforcl, 14547. He became dean of Hereford in 148 1. John Morer was admitted 18th Dec. 1467^.
��90 Reg. Wellen. l Reg. Bowet.
91 Reg. Drokenesford. ^ Pat. 8 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 37.
92 Reg. Rad. de Salop. ^ Reg. Bubbewyth.
93 Ibid. 4 Ibid.
9-1 Pat. 2iEd\v.III.p.2.m.26. ^ Reg. StaflFord.
95 Pat. 22 Edw. III. 6 Ibid.
96 Reg. Wellen. ^ Hist, et Antiq. Oxon. 1. ii.
97 Ibid. p. 134. 9S Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. I. m. 34. ^ Reg. Kemp. Episc. Lond.
��Reg. Bowet.
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