COMBE (1st.)
John Eye held this stall in 1537.*
William Bisse, 24th Oct. 1635-^.
John Carleil, ist Oct. 1661-^.
Hammett Ward, 12th March 166726,
Montague Woodam, 8th Sept. 1705-7.
Martin Strong, 4th Nov. ijoy-^.
Robert Woodford, 29th Nov. 1720-^. Ob. ist May 1762, aged 87.
Thomas Camplin, i8th June 1762, vice Woodford'^^.
William Peter, 25th Nov. 1763, vice Camplin^i,
George Grossman, 23rd Feb. 1799, vice Peter^^, Qb. 1st Nov. 1803.
Thomas Morgan, appointed Jan. 1804, vice Grossman 3^.
Samuel Blackall, i6th Dec. 1826, vice Morgan^^. Ob. nth March 1842, aged 71 : and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
Gray Horace Faithful, 22nd March 1842, vice Sa- muel Blackall ^^.
COMBE (2nd.) William Gapon held this stall in i537.t John Swaddall, 6th Nov. 163 2 3. Walter Raleigh, 20th March 1634 5 '37. Thomas Holt, i6th Oct. 1641-^". Robert Latimer, 8th April 1666 ^^. Morgan Jones, nth Sept. 1677^0. John Perry, 25th Nov. 1720^^ Francis Franklin, i8th March 1727-842, Thomas Alford, 9th June 1738, vice Franklin^^^ John Walker, 28th Sept. 1742, vice Alford 4^. Ob. 15th Nov. 1780, aged 85.
��* Valor Ecclesiasticus.
�35 Bishops' Certificates.
�24 Bishops'
�t Valor Ecclesiasticus.
�25 Ibid.
�26 Ibid.
�36 Bishops' Certificates.
�27 Ibid.
�28 Ibid.
�37 Ibid. 38 Ibid, .
�29 Ibid.
�30 Ibid.
�39 Ibid. 40 Ibid.
�31 Ibid.
�32 Ibid.
�41 Ibid. 42 Ibid.
�33 Ibid.
�34 Ibid.
�43 Ibid. 44 Ibid.
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