COMBE (12th.)
John Beckeham held this stall in 1537*.
Thomas Woodyeates, 24th Jan. 1606-7^.
William Gay, 12th Dec. 16 17^^.
Thomas Elliott, 15th Feb. 1696-7 5^.
John Jenkins, loth Nov. 1704^7.
Francis White, i6th Oct. 1731, vice Jenkins^.
John Baily, 1 ith July 1733-^^.
John Chapman, 22nd Oct. 1757^*^, vice Baily.
Richard Nicholl, i8th Aug. J 786, vice Chapman^i.
James William Hoskins, 24th March 1813, vice Nicholl 6'^. Ob. 1844, aged 84, and this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
John Edwin Trance, 21st Sept. 1844, vice Hoskins 6^.
COMBE (13th.)
Reginald Banbryge held this stall in i537t.
John Harris, 29th June 1622^*.
Thomas Tucker, i6th April 16276^.
Thomas Staumford, 9th Nov. 1660^'*.
Edward Hitchman, 9th Nov. 1668 ^7.
Abraham Allen, 5th Nov. 16726**.
Henry Alleyne, 4th Jan. 1680-1^9.
Edward Johnson, 2nd Dec. 172070.
Samuel Hood, 14th Dec. 1736, vice Johnson 7'.
Thomas Sedgwick Whalley, 22nd Aug. 1777, vice Hood 7"^.
Charles Abel Moysey, ist Feb. 1826, vice Whalley^^,
Charles Crooke, 6th Oct. 1 832, vice Charles Abel Moy- sey 7*. Ob. 2nd Dec. 1837, aged 49, when this stall became vested in the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.
Thomas Lamplugh Wolley, 5th Dec. 1840, vice Charles Crooke 75.
- Valor Ecclesiasticus. ^^ Bishops' Certificates.
5^ Bishops' Certificates. 65 ibjd. 66 ibid.
55 Ibid. 56 Ibid. 67 Ibid. 68 Ibid.
57 Ibid. 58 Ibid. 69 Ibid. 70 Ibid.
59 Ibid. 60 Ibid. 71 Ibid. 72 Ibid.
61 Ibid. 62 Ibid. 63 Ibid. 73 Ibid. 74 Ibid.
t Valor Ecclesiasticus. 75 Ibid.
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