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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/258

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1623 Robert Wright, S.T.P., warden of Wadham college,

21 Jac. I. Oxford, was elected 28th Jan. 1622-3, confirmed 2i8t March^ and consecrated at Lambeth =^t) q^ i\^q 2'^v^ of the same month ^^ The temporahties were restored to him 4th April ^-, and he was enthroned 5th May. He was translated to Lichfield in 1632. 1633 George Coke or Cooke, S.T.P., was elected bishop of

8 Car. I. Bristol 28th Nov. 1632, confirmed 6th Feb. 1632-3, consecrated at Lambeth on the loth of the same month ^^, and enthroned 8th March. In 1636 he was translated to Hereford. The conge d'elire vice bishop Coke issued 8th July 1636-^^ ; in pui'suance of which 1637 Robert Skinner, S.T.P., was elected 26th July 1636,

12 Car. I. and the royal assent was given to his election 3rd Sept. following35. He was confirmed 14th Jan. 1 636-7^ and consecrated the next day 3^. The temporalities were restored to him on the 20th of the same month ^7^ and he was enthroned 13th Feb. He was translated to Oxford in 1641. 1642 Thomas Westfield, S.T.P., archdeacon of St. Alban^s,

17 Car. I. succeeded Robert Skinner in the bishopric of Bristol ; was consecrated 26th June 1642-^"*, and enthroned on the 28th of the same month. He died 25th June 1644, and was buried in Bristol cathedral near the remains of bishop Bushe^^. 1644 Thomas Howell, S.T.D., was nominated in July 1644,

20 Car. I. and soon afterwards consecrated at Oxford ^9. He was enthroned 12th April 1645, and died in 1646, and was buried in his cathedral. On the death of bishop Howell, Samuel Collins, provost of King's college, Cambridge, was offered the see, but he declined it ; and subsequently it was offered to

30 Camd. Annal. Jac. I. ^^* There is some doubt about

SI Reg. Abbot, pars ii. fol. 85. thedateof this prelate' sconsecra-

3^ Pat. 21 Jac. I. p. 27. N. I. tion, as no record of it is now

  • ^' Reg. Abbot, pars iii. fol. 90. extant.

34 Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 5. No. 3. 38 Ex Epitaphio.

35 Ibid. No. 2. 39 He is said to have been 3 Reg. Laud, pars i. fol. 66. consecrated by archbishop Usher 3' Pat. 12 Car. I. p. 5. N". i. in Aug. 1644.

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