1689 Gilbert Ironside, S.T.P., warden ofWadham college, iW. &M. Oxford, the second bishop of Bristol bearing those names, was consecrated at Fulham 13th Oct. 1689^^, and translated to Hereford in [ 69 1 ,
169 1 John Hall, S.T.P., master of PembroJce college, Oxford*^, 3W. &M. and Margaret professor of theology, was consecrated bishop of Bristol at Bow church by the archbishop of Canterbury 30th Aug. 1691^*^. He died 4th Feb. J 709-10 at Pembroke college, Oxford; and was buried at Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, setat, 77 ^^
1 710 John Robinson, S.T.P., dean of Windsor, was nomi- 9 Anne, nated 19th Oct. 17 10, and received the royal assent 8th Nov."^'^; he was consecrated 19th Nov.'^^^ received the temporalities the next day, and was enthroned 7th Feb. following. He was translated to London in August 1713^4^
17 14 George Smalridge, S.T.^., dean of Christ Church, Ox- 13 Anne, ford, was consecrated at Lambeth 4th April 1714'^^. He died on Sunday 27th Sept. 17 19, and was buried in Christ Church, Oxford.
17 19 Hugh Boulter, archdeacon of Surrey, was nominated 6 Geo. I. i^th Oct. 1719, and received the royal assent 6th Nov. ; he was confirmed at Bow church on Saturday 14th Nov., consecrated 15th Nov.^^^ and he received the temporalities the next day. In 1 723 he was trans- lated to the archbishopric of Armagh.
1724 William Bradshaw, dean of Christ Church, Oxford, was II Geo. I. nominated 29th Aug. 1724 bishop of Bristol, and re- ceived the royal assent 7th Oct. ; he was consecrated 1 8th Oct. '^7, and the temporalities were restored
��'^^ London Gazette and Reg. ^1 Ex Epitaphio.
Suspens. Saner, fol. 18. ^2 Church Book, Home Office.
^^ He obtained a royal dispen- ^^ B.Qg. Tenison. H. fol. 65.
sation to hold the mastership of ^4 Church Book, Home Office.
Pembroke college in comraen- ^^ Reg. Tenison. H. fol. 128.
dam. 56 Reg. Wake I. fol. 64.
^0 London Gazette and Reg. s; Reg. Wake IL fol. 236. Tillots. fol. 83.
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