nated ist July 1820, elected ijtli July, and received the royal assent on the i8th. He was confirmed 29th July, and consecrated 30th July^^^ and received the temporalities on the 31st of the same month. He was translated to Lincoln in 1827. 1827 Robert Gray was nominated 2nd March 1827, elected 8Geo.iV. ^th March, and received the royal assent on the loth of the same month. He was confirmed 23rd, and consecrated 25th March. He died 28th Sept. 1834, setat 70. 1834 Joseph Allen was nominated 13th Oct. 1834, and 5Wm.IV. elected 24th Oct. The royal assent to his election was given 28th Oct. He was confirmed 5th Dec, and con- secrated 7th Dec, and the temporalities were restored to him 15th Dec following. He was translated to Ely in June 1836.
This diocese^-* was united with Gloucester (on the promotion of Dr. Allen to Ely) by order in council, gazetted 7th Oct. 1836.
This bishopric was rated for first fruits at 327?.5s.7if/.3^
The arms of this see are thus blazoned : Sable, three ducal crowns, in pale, or.
William Snow, last prior ofBradenstoke^wsiS appointed the first dean of Bristol by the charter of erection, dated 4th June 1542*^^. John Whiteheare or Whythere, S.T.B., was pre- ss Reg. Sutton. setshire was also abstracted and 84 The portion of the diocese made part of Sahsbury. The re- of Bristol locally situated in the maining part of the diocese was county of Dorset was abstracted united with that of Gloucester at 8th Oct. 1836, and part of it the same time, placed in the diocese of Salis- '^ Ecton, p. 35. bury and part in that of Exeter : ^6 Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 748. the parish of Holwell in Somer-
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