Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/279

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909 Beornegus'^o was one of the seven bishops consecrated by archbishop Plegemund in the year 909"^^


GuTHEARD died in 960.

960 AELFRED^a ; ob. 970.

970 Eadhelm24.

980 Aethelgarus, ahhot ofiheNev) minster, at Winton, was consecrated 6th May 980, and translated to Canter- bury in 988-2^. 988 Ordbright^s.

Aelmar27. Obiit 10 19. 1019 Aethelricus28 ; died 5th Nov. 103829. 1039 Grinketellus-^o purchased the see of Selsey, although he had been expelled from the diocese of the East Angles, which he had also purchased -^i. He died in io47-^-. 1047 Heca33, cJiaplain of Edward the Confessor, was conse- crated in I047-^. He died in 1057^5. 1057 Agelricus, a monk of Canterbury^ succeeded Heca-^^; but was deprived by the King in 1070, and impri- soned at Marlborough 37.

��20 Bernegus, Malmes. ; Ber- 29 Y\ox. Wigorn.

nechus, Rad. de Diceto. 3^Grimketellus,Hoved.;Grym-

^1 Malmes. Gest. Reg. lib. ii. kytelus, Flor. Wig. et Malmes.

Florence omits his name. 31 Malmes. Pontif. lib. ii.

22 Flor. Wig.; Geared, Malmes. -^2 Y\ox. Wigorn.

23 Flor. Wig.; Elfred, Malmes. 33 Flor. Wigorn.; Hecca, Matt.

24 Flor. Wigorn. ; Ealkhelm, Westm.; Hetta, Malmes. Pontif. Malmes. 34 Matt. Westm.

25 Malmes. Sim. Dunelm. 35 Hoved. Flor. Wigorn. et

26 Ordbrich, Malmes.; Ord- Sim. Dunelm. byrbtus, Flor. Wigorn. 36 pior. Wigorn.

27 Flor. Wigorn. et Malmes. 37 Hoved. p. 453. edit. Frank.

28 Malmes.; Agebredus, Ho- et Sim. Dunelm. Hist. col. 202.; ved. ; Agelricus, Rad. de Diceto ; but see Selden's note on Eadmer, Aethelricus, Flor. Wigorn. p. 199.

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