James Garbett, 28th April 1851, vice Henry Edward Manning '3.
This dignity is rated for first fruits at 38^. ^s. ^.dJ'^^.
Peter, so styled in 1180^^. JocELiNE, [190'^ S . . . .-^e
EUSTACHIUS DE Levei.AXD, 1226^'.
Reginald de Wintoxia, 1227^^.
William de Lughteburg held it 14th Jan. 1240-1*9.
Robert Passelewe, 5th March 1243-4^0. He was elected bishop of Chichester in 1244, but the Pope rejected him. He died viii Id. Jun. (6th) 1252, at Waltham Abbey, and was buried there ^1.
SiMox DE Clympixgham enjoyed this dignity in 1262^'-.
Godfrey de Peckham, 1279^'^.
Thomas de Berghstede, from this dignity was made dean of this church in 1296 5<.
Thomas Cobham, 130T '^^.
John de Godele. He resigned in 1305'^.
Hamelin de Godele succeeded in the same year, 1305 -'7.
John Geytentun, about 1313^^.
Walter de Lyndrich, 1346 '5, 1362'^".
William de Loughteburgh held it in March 1355"^ and in 1363.
43 Bishops' Certificates. ^^ Reg. Cicestren. 43* Ecton, p. 77. S3 Reg. Pecham.
44 Ex Cartis in Baga. 45 ibid. ^4 Rgg. Winchelsey. ^^ Ibid.
46 Pat. 9 Joh. p. 82. 56 Pat. 33 Edw. I. p. i. m. 6.
47 Pat. 10 Hen. III. m. 6. et ^~ Reg. Winchelsey. Pat. 33 Pat. 12 Hen. III. m. 3. Edw. I. p. i. m. 6.
48 Ex Cartis in Baga. ^8 Reg. Cicestren.
49 Pat. 25 Hen. III. Addition ^9 Rymer, vol. v. p. 492. to Middle Hill copy of Le Neve. '^^ Reg. Islip.
50 Pat. 28 Hen. III. m. 7. 61 Rgg. Gynewell. Addition
51 Weever, p. 645. to Middle Hill copy of Le Neve.
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