Luke Trevigar to the prebend of Firlcs, 29th Juno
1753, ^^^ Samuel Arnold ^9. Bragg Blagden to the prebend of Hampstead, 5th
July 1753, vice John Stuart ^^^ Thomas Heath to the prebend of Fittleworth, 3th
July 17.53, vice William Crooke^i. Thomas Hurdis to the prebend of Middleton, 19th
Feb. 1754-5, vice John Parke 9'^. Ob. 29th March
1784. Charles Goldcali. to the prebend of Eartham, 2nd
Aug. 1754, vice Thomas Ball*^. Owen Jones to the prebend of Sutton, 23rd Dec. 1 y^^,
vice James Barker ^^. Richard Eyre to the prebend Exceit, 21st March
1 760, vice Thomas Cheyney ^^
Charles Asburnham to the prebend of Ferring, 7th
Feb. 1761, vice Thomas Spateman'^^. John Courtail to the prebend of Ferring, 29th May
1 761, vice Charles Asburnham^7. Ob. 25th Feb. 1806, setat. 92.
WiLLTAM Webber to the prebend of Selsey, 30th Oct.
1 76 1, vice John Hancock^^^ Isaac Moody Bingham to the prebend of Bargham,
29th July 1765, vice Philip Barton 'J^. Charles Asburnham to the prebend of Waltham^ 22nd
April 1767, vice Charles Skottowe^. Charles Goldcall to the prebend of Woodhorn, 5th
Aug. 1767, vice Simon Manningham^. Luke Trevigar to the prebend of Eartham, loth Sept.
1767, vice Charles Goldcall 3. Ob. 1793, setat. 71. John Buckner to the prebend of Firles, 20th Feb.
1768, vice Luke Trevigar^.
��89 Bishops' Certificates. ^ Bishops' Certificates.
00 Ibid. 91 Ibid. 99 Ibid. 1 Ibid.
92 Ibid. 93 Ibid. 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid.
94 Ibid. 95 Ibid. 4 Ibid.
9 Ibid. 97 Ibid.
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