Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/32

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dertaking, amongst which a maliciously contrived imprison- ment, purposely intended to ruin both the author and the design, may be reckoned none of the least.

Notwithstanding which, it has pleased God to support me so far as to finish it; and as to the consequence or reception, I cheerfully submit it to the same overruling Providence.

And that my learned readers may form their notions of the pains and time the making these collections must have cost, I shall here present them with a taste of a "supellex libraria ad sedem Cantuariensem tantum." And if lists of the same kind can be produced relating to each other see, it may at least prove that the first collector or collectors thought no trouble too much to make it as complete, as the materials that had hitherto escaped the rust of time, or devouring fire and sword, would possibly allow.


Pastorale Saxonicum, sive Canones Concilii Nicæni, et aliorum; Latine a Theodore Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi scriptum, Saxonice ab Alfrico versum. M.S. in Bibl. Corp. Chr. Coll. Cantab. S. 268.

Vita S.Dunstani Archiepiscopi Cantuar. Incipit,Beatissimus Dei Præsul. M.S. Ibid. A.V. 1.

Annales Ecclesiæ S. Augustini Cant. ad Annum 1323. M.S. in Bibl. prædict. A.V. 11.

Vita Thomæ Becketi ex pluribus collecta a Johanne Grandisono episcopo Exon. Incipit, Benedictionibus Divinæ Dulcedinis: Desinit, In Sæcula Sæculorum. MS. Ibid. G. 75.

Vita et Miracula S. Augustini, Anglorum Apostoli, antiqua admodum et prolixa, præfigitur Magistri Gocelini ( Authoris uti videtur) Epistola ad Monachos et Monasteriarcham Ecclesiæ S. Augustini Cantuar, Incipit, Potentissimus Triumphator Mundialis Tyranni. Bibl. prædict. H. 90.

Petri de Ickham Chronicon a Bruto ad Ann. 1272 ; a Rad. Remington continuatum ad Ann. 1327; agit præsertim de