Denny Martin to the prebend of Ipthorne, 7th Oct.
] 774, vice Roger Petti ward '^0. Denny Martin to the prebend of Bury, and Aug.
1775, vice Richard Green^i. Thomas Collins to the prebend Bursahs, 23rd Dec.
1775, vice Samuel Speed ^'^. John Wickins to the prebend of Ipthorne, 29th Dec.
1775, vice Denny Martin ^'^ Ob. 18th Feb. 1783,
setat. 77. Richard Tiueman to the prebend of VVighting, 5th
Jan. 1776, vice John Wickens^^ Ob. 1792. John Atkinson to the prebend of Highley, 29th Jan.
1776, vice Richard Tireman"^^.
Richard Tireman to the prebend of Gates, 15th May
1776, vice Edward Whitmcll-. William Whitear to the prebend of Mardon, 20th
Sept. 1776, vice Robert Sandham-?. George Metcalf to the prebend of Barksham, 22nd
Jan. 1778, vice John Frankland-^. Thomas Henry Lowth to the prebend Exceit, 24th
Feb. 1778, vice Richard Eyre -5. John Sturges to the prebend Exceit, 9th Oct. J 778,
vice Thomas Henry Lowth ^0. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Somcrley, 6th
Nov. 1778, vice John Evanson-^i. Rowland Gibson to the prebend of Seaford, loth
Nov. 1778, vice Drake Holhngbery'^-^. Drake Hollingbery to the prebend of Gates, 30th
July 1779, vice Richard Tireman ^3. William Lord to the prebend of Somerley i8th Sept.
1779, ^ice Drake Hollingbery 3^. Ob. 1813, setat. 61. William Kinleside to the prebend of Hampstead
27th Jan. 1 78 1, vice Bragg Blagden^^.
20 Bishops' Certificates. 29 Bishops' Certificates.
21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. 30 Ibid. 31 Ibid.
23 Ibid. 24 Ibid. 32 Ibid. 33 Ibid.
25 Ibid. 26 Ibid. 34 Ibid. 35 Ibid.
27 Ibid. 28 Ibid.
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