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Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/332

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��II 1 5 Bernard, the Queeii's chancellor "^^ or chaplain'^'^, was 16 Hen. I. nominated by the King-^*^, and ordained priest 18th Sept. II 15, and consecrated the next day^^ During his prelacy this see entirely lost its archiepiscopal powers, and its bishops have ever since been suffragans to the archbishop of Canterbury. The time of his death is not known 3^. 1 147 David Fitzgerald, rcMmcow 0/* Carc^/o^an, was conse- 13 Steph. crated, together with Robert, bishop of Lincoln, lytli Dec, 1147^3^ by Theobald archbishop of Canterbury. He died 15 days before Whitsuntide 1176-^^. 1 1 76 Peter de Leta, ^rior of JVenlock, was consecrated 7th 22 Hen. II. Nov. 1 176 at Canterbury by Gilbert bishop of Lon- don ^^. He died 16th July 119836. GiRALDus Cambrensis, alias Barry, archdeacon of BrecJcnocJc, was elected-^" bishop of St. Davids by the canons on the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul (29th June) 1199^8; but, the King refusing to give

��-^ Sim. Dunelm. ^i* Eadmer. 116. ^^ Sim. Dunelm.

31 Flor.Wigorn. Eadmer. Ho- veden. et Rad. de Diceto; but Wendover and Matt. Paris say 27th June.

32 It is said to have occurred in 1147, Wynne p. 168; 1148, Annal. Teokesb.; and 1149, An- nal. Menev.

33 Gerv. Chron. ad ann.

3-1 Eo defuncto in quatuor ar- chidiaconos capitulum sufFragia sua direxerunt; ita ut quemcun- que illorum Rex vellet assume- ret : intendentes vero ut Giral- dum Cambrensem nominaret. (Benedict, de Gestis Hen. II.) Rex vero e contra hominem ex- clusit, quia Reso Principi Suth- walliae et aliis fere cunctis Walliee majoribus sanguine propinquus erat. Girald. Cambrens. de Re-

��bus a se gestis lib. i. c.p. Ibid.

C. TO.

3- Rad. de Diceto et Gen'. Chron.

3" Annal. Teokesb. Vixit epi- scopus annis 22, mensibus 7, et diebus 15. Annal. Menev.

3' From an entry on the Patent Roll 3 Job. m. 2. it would seem that he had not been unani- mously elected, but that W. ab- bot of St. Dogmael or Dogmells had also been elected.

3^ De jure ecclesiae Menev. p. 584. " The first papal provision to any English see was that of pope Innocent III. to Giraldus Cambrensis for the see of St. David's in 11 99, whom he did not yet absolutely name, but procured to be elected at Rome, and then would have supported his title without the King's con- sent. The ground of all provi-

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