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294 ST. DAVID^S.

was consecrated 12th June following' ^^ and died in

1347. The license to elect a bishop in the room of

Henry de Gower issued 15th May 1347'^; nevertheless

1347 John Thoresby was appointed by the Pope, and the

21 Ed. III. King restored the temporalities to him 14th July 134776; he was consecrated 23rd Sept. following, and translated to Worcester 4th Sept. 1349^7. 1350 Reginald Brian was provided to this see by Clement

24 Ed. III. the Third nth Sept. 1349; he received the spiritu- alities 1 8th Jan. 1349-50 7s, and 23rd Sept. following license was given to John bishop of Worcester to con- secrate him in Lambeth chapel's. He was translated to Worcester, pursuant to papal bull dated 22nd Oct. 1352. 1353 Thomas Fastolf or Falstoffe, LL.D., archdeacon of

26 Ed. III. Wells, was provided to this bishopric by pope Cle- ment's bull, dated 22nd Oct. 1352, and was afterwards consecrated at Rome^^^ fjy received the spiritualities 29th March 1353^', and the temporalities 4th June following^-. He died in June 1361^3, and was buried in St. David's cathedral. His will was proved ist July in that year. 136 1 Adam Houghton was also provided to this see by papal

35 Ed. III. bull of 20th Sept. 136 1 : he received the spiritualities 15th Nov., and the temporalities 8th Dec."* He died i3thFeb.i388-985; andhis will, dated 8th Feb.1388-9,

��7-1 Reg. Cantuar. VI. per RR. patrera Dominum

75 Pat. 21 Edw. III. p. 2. m. Guillielmum Episcopum Tuscu- 21. lanum S.R.E. Cardinalium.

76 Ibid. m. II. 81 Reg. Islip.

77 He was master of the rolls ^2 Pat. 27 Edw. III. p. 2. m.27. from 31st Feb. 1340-1 (Glaus. 15 ^3 The spiritualities of the see Edw. III. p. I. m. 34. in dorso) were taken into the hands of to 2nd July 1346; and he was the archbishop 19th June 1361. appointed chancellor of England Reg. Islip. fol. 233.

i6th June 1349, Claus. 23 Edw. ^ Pat. 35 Edw. III. p. 3. m. 15.

III. p. I. m. 8. in dorso. 8^- It would seem from the

78 Reg. Islip. fol. 9. Courtenay Register that the see

79 Ibid. fol. 31. was vacant from i6th Feb. 1388 ^^ Auctoricate PP. Innocentii -9 to 25th July following.

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