338 ELY.
by the Pope to that of Ely=J7. The monks of Ely, however, were determined to choose for themselves, and elected Peter their prior as their bishop ; but the archbishop of Canterbury refused to confirm their choice, and the prior appealed to the Pope, who an- nulled his election, and appointed
1426 Philip Morgan, bishop of Worcester, to the see of Ely, 4 Hen. VI. by bull dated 27th Feb. 1425-638. He received the temporalities 22nd April 1426^9 j and afterwards, on the 26th of the same month, he made his profession of obedience to the archbishop ^'^, and received the spi- ritualities. He died at Bishop's Hatfield 25th Oct. 1435. His will, dated 21st Oct. 1435, was proved loth Nov. following^ 1. The license to elect a bishop, vice Philip Morgan, issued 30th Oct. 1435 '-; in pur- suance of which Robert Fitz Hugh, bishop of London, was elected to the see of Ely, but he died 15th Jan. 1435-6^'^, before his translation could be perfected. Upon this the King recommended Thomas Rodburn, bishop of St. David's, to the monks of Ely; but they would not accede to his Majesty's nomination, and elected Thomas Bourchier, bishop of Worcester, whose election the Pope confirmed; but the King refusing to restore the temporalities of the bishopric to him, he renounced his election. The Pope then appointed
1438 Louis de Luxemburgh'*-*, archhishop of Rouen, perpe-
16 Hen. VI. tual administrator of the see of Ely ; and the King,
having accepted the fealty of William Erard, the
archbishop's proctor-general^^, ordered the temporali-
37 Minute of Council, 4 Hen. ^^ Reg. Chichel. fol. 454 a. VI. 42 Pat. 14 Hen. VI. p. i. m.
38 iii Cal. Mar. pont. nono. 21.
Reg. Chichel. 43 Weever, p. 360, incorrectly
39 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 19. says, 22nd Sept. 1435.
40 " Dictus PhiUppus Elyen. 44 Called also Luschburg and Episcopus in presentia domini Luscburg. Cardinal. S. S. Qua- in Domo Capitulari Eccl. Cath. tuor Coronatorum.
S.Pauli Lond.26 Apr.,1426. pro- 45 Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. fessionem fecit." Reg. Chichel. 10.
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