DEANS. 547
1S36 Joseph Allex. bisJiop of BrUtoL was nominated iSth feWiii. ]v. June 1S56. elected on the -3rd. and received the roTal assient on the 24ih-' of the same rnonih. He was eon- firmed 1 7th Aug.. and the temporalities were iv^sioKd to him igth Aug.'^ Ob. icth March {S45. setat. 75. 1S45 Thomas Tustox. dean of Wirstshia^cr. the present SVi.-:. holder of the $ee, was nominated iSth March 1S45, and elected Sth April. He received the royal assent 9th April ^^; he was confirmed 3rd May, and conse- crated the next day : and the temporahties were re- stored to him Sth May *'.
The bishopric is rated for first fruits '- at
The amis of the see are Uaaoned thus : Gales, three ducal crowns, or.
��DEANS. The foundation ehaner of this diirnity and ei^t pre- bends bears date icth Sept. 1541, 33 Hen. VHI.
RoBKKT STYWAsr", ali:is, tkt btst priur fJSfy ol tkf 4i&hifim ^ tit* MtteaiA. was constituted tlio first dean by the charter of foundatioQ loth Sept, 154!. He died .:2nd Dec, 1557. and was buried in
the cathoiiral ""-'. Anpkkw Pkakxe. S.T.P.. succeeded in 1557. He died
^Oiunrh Book. Home Office, cessars for ere* we to py 2300?, bw the kiwrs pxteni beu- daiti? pw B0iim u>Trd$ die g>-
��JTth June- Resr- Hoarier. meatatiw of 1^ iacaaes of die
- ' Chvav-h Book, Hcaie 0. bi^iops of ^be smaller sees. It
- lb. ; bw the ieJTers panent w*s fuidiar ordeivd, da* two
berasteij;ThAy\r R;-i:.H.>xcitT. tiMdpMts oiifyof dSMiii kesre-
- ' ChxiTv^h Bos>k. H .MDf v.>iEce- wftwe paad by laaskofis of Hr on
- > l^ji- incv^iae of t>i$ see w&s *vuirt of first Snails sliaJl be
aK>i.i nnxv."- jxr ini.r.:-.i. b\u by paid by tke sud pRSOtt belMf>
v>raex :n A^vaic:! 3jiuxi i o:li .\4M1I and tike iWMiwiinjg; one durd paM
iS^^;. sTAieiuxi ^^;h Mav iS>;. dienof stuffl be paiid by die Ec-
iJe itKVae ixi jbe b^^bop 0^" Kiy e)e$iskal OommiKawie**-
ws $ae4x}ed xi .\5^^~ }"^^^ jucuquib ; * Ecton, p. 56,
and tbe iben bjs^bop aovi hi$ $\k^ ** Ek EfatafUo.
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