Thomas Willet succeeded Fuller in May 1559. Andrew Willet, S.T.P., instituted 22nd July 1584.
Ob. 4th Dec. 1621. Ralph Brownrigg, S.T.P., succeeded on the death of
Willet. Promoted to the see of Exeter in 1642. John Pearson, S.T.P., nominated 27th Aug., and in- stalled 22nd Sept. 1660. He resigned this stall for
the first in 1661. Thomas Wren was collated 4th Jan. and installed
25th Jan. 1661-2. Ob. 1679, being also archdeacon
of Ely. Humphrey Gower, S.T.P., nominated 25th Oct. 1679
and installed ist Nov. following. He died 27th March
17 II, setat. 74. John Davies, LL.D., was collated 24th Sept. 171 1.
Ob. 7th March 173 1-2. Christopher Clarke, 14th March 173 1-2. Ob. 19th
May 1742. Charles Harvey, loth June 1742. Ob. 21st March
1782. Thomas Roger Du Quesne, 3rd April 1783. Ob. 15th
Sept. 1793, setat. 74. Thomas Waddington, nth Oct. 1793. Ob. i8th June
1815, setat. 52. Sir Henry Bate Dudley, bart., 26th June 1815. John Henry Sparke, 4th March 1824. William Walbanke Childers, 13th April 1824.
Ob. 8th Feb. 1833. William Selwyn, 12th March 1833.
John Custons, by the charter of erection, loth Sept.
1541. Ob. 1543. Thomas Bacon, S.T.B., was admitted 15th March
1543-4. Ob. 2nd Jan. 1559-60. Thomas Barwick, presented in Jan. 1559-60. Andrew Dean, S.T.B., occurs in 1564. His will is
dated loth Dec. 1563.
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