362 ELY.
James Taylor, S.T.P., installed 2nd June 1584, and
died 19th March 1623-4. JohnCropley, S.T.P., collated 21st Feb. 1623-4. Ob.
1629. William Eyre was collated in 1629. Ob. 1641. John Buckeridge was collated 21st Feb. 1641-2. Ob.
1651. Richard Ball, collated 19th Jan. 1651-2, but not in- stalled until 22nd Sept. 1660. He exchanged this stall
for the seventh, 20th Oct. 1665, with Joseph Beaumont, S.T.P., who was installed 20th Oct.
1665. Ob. 23rd Nov. 1699, setat. 84; but he resigned
before his death. John Nalson, collated uth April 1674. William Coldwell, A.M., was collated i5th Dec.
and installed 29th Dec. 1699. He died 8th June 1702,
setat. 78. James Smith, S.T.B., was collated 22nd June 1702.
Ob. 8th June 1715, setat. 58. Stephen Wesson, collated 17th June and installed
23rd June 1 71.5. He resigned 17 17, and was made
bishop of Exeter. William Powell was collated 21st March 17 16-7,
and installed 6th April 17 17. John Price, loth April 1741. Thomas Hopper, 5th June 1772. Thomas Knowles, loth Oct. 1779- George Leonard Jenyns, 22nd Oct. 1802. Regius
professor of Hebrew, Cambridge,^ (W. H. Mill), 1848.
- This prebend or canonry, gazetted on the 17th of the same
after the decease of prebendary month ; and the canonry which
Jenyns, was permanently an- should next be vacant, was by
nexed and united to the Regius the same order of council an-
professorship of Hebrew in the nexed and united to the Regius
university of Cambridge, by order professorship of Greek in the
in council dated nth Aug. 1848, same university.
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