buried in Exeter cathedral. On 25th Sept. 1223 ^^^ chapter of Exeter had Hcense to elect a bishop * ^ ; in pursuance of which 1224 William J^K^wY.n^'^^ precevdor of Exeter, received the 8 Hen. III. royal assent to his election 25th Nov. I223^^ and was consecrated at Rome by pope Honorius on Easter Sunday 14th Api-il 1224^^, jje died 24th Oct. 1244, and was buried in his own cathedral -"7. The conge d'ehre, vice the last-named bishop, is dated 20th Dec. 124448.
1245 Richard le Blund or Whitens (Blundus), chancellor
29 H. III. of Exeter^ succeeded William Brewer; the royal assent
to his election was given 30th Jan. 1 2445 ^'^> ^^^ ^^
was consecrated at Reading 22nd Oct. (the Sunday
after St. Luke's day) in the same year^^. He died
30th Dec. 1257^'^. The dean and chapter of Exeter
by their letter of 31st Dec. 1257 inform the King that
their late bishop died on the day before the date of
their epistle, and pray his Majesty to issue a license
for the election of a new bishop ^^. The license ac_
cordingly issued 8th Jan. 1257-8 5^, and the election
fell on
1258 Walter Bronescomb, chancellor of Exeter and arch-
42 H.iii. deacon of Surrey^ who was chosen 25th Feb. 1257-8.
He obtained the royal assent 2nd March following".
��43 Pat. 7 Hen. III. p. i. m. i. Albo. (Ex Reg. Abbati de Sibe-
44 Or Bruere, or Briewer, or ton.) On the deatb of archbishop Brivvere, The King committed Weathershed he was elected to the custody of the vacant bi- Canterbury; but the Pope re- shopric of Exeter to him 13th jected him. He is sometimes Sept.1223. Pat. 7 Hen. in. m. I. called Blondy.
45 Pat. 8 Hen. III. p. 3. m. 12. ^o Pat. 29 Hen. III. m. 9.
46 Matt. Paris. i Reg. Eccl. Cantuar.
47 Ann. Vet. ^2 Lett, in Turr. Lond. S. 60.
48 Pat. 29 Hen. III. m. 9. His death is sometimes placed
49 Matt. Paris & Matt. West- on 26th Dec. Reg. Bronescomb. minster call him John Blundus. ^ Ibid.
Gubernante ecclesiam Cantuari- ^4 p^t. 42 Hen. III. m. 14.
ensem Bonifacio ecclesiam vero ^ Ibid. m. 12.
Exoniensem magistro Richardo j
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